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Showing posts from January, 2020

The kingfisher and other birds from my neighborhood

Kingfisher - Martin pescatore (Alcedo atthis) Kingfisher, female - Martin pescatore, femmina. Arno, Florence, January 2020. Compared to a few years ago, the Arno river, when it crosses Florence, is much cleaner and its banks are well maintained and largely walkable. So it is possible to observe many species of animals (I am interested in the birds) that populate the river. Kingfisher, female - Martin pescatore, femmina. Arno, Florence, January 2020. Up to ten years ago the animal species that appeared dominant was the Coypu (Myocastor coypus) , accidentally introduced by specimens from farms. Now this invasive and destructive species has fortunately almost disappeared, perhaps thanks to another allochthonous and invasive species, the Wells catfish ( Silurus glanis) , which has now reduced its presence in turn. Stefania while photographing a kingfisher, near the San Niccolò Bridge - Stefania mentre sta fotografando un martin pescatore, vicino al Ponte San Niccolò. Fl