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Showing posts from June, 2020

My neighborhood: the Arno river in Florence

Today it'a a rainy Sunday in Tuscany. But an hour of sunshine is enough: the Arno river is very near home, and I can take the reflex and look for some shots on the river, hoping to meet again the squacco heron that I saw yesterday. Little Egret - Garzetta. Arno river at Florence, June 2020 Little Egret trying to catch a fish - Garzetta, che cerca di pescare. Arno river at Florence, June 2020 Little Egret - Garzetta. Arno river at Florence, June 2020 As you can easily imagine, photographing a swallow while flying is a real challenge! Today there were several specimens flying over the river. Barn Swallow - Rondine. Arno river, Florence, June 2020 Barn Swallow - Rondine. Arno river, Florence, June 2020 Barn Swallow - Rondine. Arno river, Florence, June 2020 Barn Swallow - Rondine. Arno river, Florence, June 2020 Birdwatching in the city has its peculiar aspects. The baroque dome of San Frediano in Cestello, behind the Ponte Vecchio - La cupola barocca di San Frediano in Cestello, diet

Black-winged Stilts - Cavalieri d'Italia

Black-winged Stilt - Cavaliere d'Italia (Himantopus himantopus) Black-winged Stilt with the prey - Cavaliere d'Italia con la preda. Querciola Pond, Tuscany, June 2020 June is a month of great excitement for the Black-winged Stilts. There are many newborns and still a few couples are brooding the nest. Young people will have to be ready by the end of August to undertake the long journey to Sub-Saharan Africa, where they will go to winter. Black-winged Stilts, chicks - Pulcini di Cavaliere d'Italia. Querciola Pond, Tuscany, June 2020 Black-winged Stilt on the nest - Cavaliere d'Italia sul nido. Querciola Pond, Tuscany, June 2020 Black-winged Stilt - Cavaliere d'Italia. Querciola Pond, Tuscany, June 2020 Black-winged Stilt - Cavaliere d'Italia. Querciola Pond, Tuscany, June 2020 Black-winged Stilt - Cavaliere d'Italia. Querciola Pond, Tuscany, June 2020 Black-winged Stilts, chick - Pulcino di Cavaliere d'Italia. Querciola Pond, Tuscany, June 2020 Little Egr