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Showing posts from August, 2020

Three species of sandpipers in a row

Finally I returned to the Parco della Piana di Sesto (Florence). In August the ponds are almost dry and the Black-winged stilts have left for Africa, but today I've seen all three species of sandpiper that we can see in this area: the Common Sandpiper - Piro piro piccolo (Actitis hypoleucos) the Green Sansdpiper - Piro piro culbianco (Tringa ochropus) and, but very far today for a picture, the Wood Sandpiper - Piro piro boschereccio (Tringa glareola) . There was also a fleeting appearance of the Water rail - Porciglione (Rallus aquaticus) . Common sandpiper - Piro piro piccolo. Querciola pond, Parco della Piana di Sesto. August 2020. Common sandpiper - Piro piro piccolo. Querciola pond, Parco della Piana di Sesto. August 2020. Common sandpiper - Piro piro piccolo. Querciola pond, Parco della Piana di Sesto. August 2020. Green sandpiper, with Moorhen Piro piro culbianco e Gallinella d'acqua. Querciola pond, Parco della Piana di Sesto. August 2020. Green sandpiper - Piro piro cul