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Showing posts from December, 2020

December lockdown time on the Arno river at Florence

In December in Tuscany it was allowed to take walks close to home. Fortunately, there is the Arno near my house. Really, it was my intention to take a picture of an adult night heron who had been on the shore for breakfast for some mornings. Too late! At that moment, a family party of 7 - 8 long-tailed tits passed over the poplars on the shore. Long-tailed Tit - Codibugnolo. Arno river at Florence, December 2020. Long-tailed Tit - Codibugnolo. Arno river at Florence, December 2020. Long-tailed Tit - Codibugnolo. Arno river at Florence, December 2020. Long-tailed Tit - Codibugnolo. Arno river at Florence, December 2020. Long-tailed Tit - Codibugnolo. Arno river at Florence, December 2020. Mallard - Germano reale. Arno river at Florence, December 2020. In addition, a report at the end of December which was the 70th species in 2020 that I was able to register on the e-bird database: the Egyptian Goose , which rarely shows up on the Arno. Egyptian Goose - Oca egiziana. Arno river at Flore