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Showing posts from 2021

Other songbirds of the Querciola Pond (Sesto, Tuscany)

 All seasons are good for scanning the bush for seasonal visitors Bluethroat, male - Pettazzurro maschio. Cavalieri pond, Parco della Piana di Sesto, Tuscany. October 2021 Bluethroat, female - Pettazzurro femmina. Cavalieri pond, Parco della Piana di Sesto, Tuscany. October 2021 Bluethroat, male: the same subject of the first picture - Pettazzurro maschio. Cavalieri pond, Parco della Piana di Sesto, Tuscany. October 2021 Sedge warbler - Forapaglie.  Querciola pond, Parco della Piana di Sesto, Tuscany. April 2021 Sedge warbler - Forapaglie.  Querciola pond, Parco della Piana di Sesto, Tuscany. April 2021 Pied flycatcher - Balia nera. Querciola area. Parco della Piana di Sesto, Tuscany, May 2021 Pied flycatcher - Balia nera. Querciola area. Parco della Piana di Sesto, Tuscany, May 2021 White wagtail - Ballerina bianca. Querciola pond, Parco della Piana di Sesto. August 2021 Robin - Pettirosso. Querciola Pond, Parco della Piana di Sesto, Tuscany, November 2021 Robin - Pettirosso. Querciol


It's fun trying to draw our favorite subjects with a graphite pencil. I started drawing during the 2021 lockdown, and after several exercises I am pleased to show the first results. The dipper in Valsesia was always too far away to take a good picture, but with binoculars and pencil I captured it - Il merlo acquaiolo in Valsesia era sempre troppo lontano per fare una buona foto, ma sono riuscito a catturarlo con il binocolo e la matita. Alagna Valsesia - August 2021 In October the black-winged stilts have already left for Africa. I had taken this picture at the Pond in the Parco della Piana di Sesto. - In ottobre i cavalieri d'Italia sono giĂ  ripartiti per l'Africa. Questo l'avevo fotografato nello Stagno dei Cavalieri al Parco della Piana di Sesto. A snipe among the reeds of the Querciola pond. - Un beccaccino tra le canne dello Stagno della Querciola. September 2021

Garganeys are back again - Sono tornate le marzaiole

It is impossible to travel these days, due to the restrictions ( red zone ) for the pandemic. However, living near the River Arno has its advantages. In these days three Garganeys have arrived on the Arno. The pictures are taken a bit from a distance. They are a little late compared to the reports of other areas close to here, for example, at the Parco della Piana di Sesto . The Italian name Marzaiola , in fact, means " who arrives in March ". Garganey, male - Marzaiola, maschio. River Arno at Florence, Tuscany. April 2021   Garganeys, two males and a female Marzaiole, due maschi e una femmina. River Arno at Florence, Tuscany. April 2021 Garganeys, two males and a female Marzaiole, due maschi e una femmina. River Arno at Florence, Tuscany. April 2021 Garganeys, two males and a female Marzaiole, due maschi e una femmina. River Arno at Florence, Tuscany. April 2021 Garganey, male - Marzaiola, maschio. Picture taken at the Parco della Piana di Sesto, Tuscany. April 2018 see also

From the banks of the Arno in Florence

During the lockdown it is very lucky to be able to observe birds in the city. The banks of the Arno are home to a truly varied and sometimes spectacular bird life. The Great Backyard Bird Count 2021 , organized by E Bird , was held from 12 to 15 February and I participated from the sidewalk of the Lungarno. Two adult night herons, the one on the right has feathers ruffled by the wind - Due nitticore adulte, quella di destra ha le penne arruffate dal vento. Florence, Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini, February 2021. Wood pigeon - Colombaccio. Florence, Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini, February 2021. Young Night Heron - Nitticora, immaturo. Florence, Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini, February 2021. Night Heron, immature specimen, different from that of the previous picture - Nitticora, altro esemplare immaturo. Florence, Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini, February 2021. Grey Heron, just below the San Niccolò Bridge - Airone cinerino, proprio sotto il Ponte di San Niccolò. Florence, March 2021. Blackbird - Merlo.

Winter songbirds in the Parco della Piana

Dunnock - Passera scopaiola. Area of the Querciola pond, January 2021 Dunnock - Passera scopaiola. Area of the Querciola pond, January 2021 Greenfinch - Verdone. Area of the Querciola pond, January 2021 Greenfinch - Verdone. Area of the Querciola pond, January 2021 Siskin - Lucherino. Area of the Querciola pond, January 2021 Robin - Pettirosso. Area of the Querciola pond, January 2021 Chaffinch (male)- Fringuello (maschio). Area of the Querciola pond, January 2021 Chaffinch (female)- Fringuello (femmina). Area of the Querciola pond, January 2021